نمایش نتایج جستجو برای
کلمات کلیدی: immune response
موارد یافت شده: 43
1 - Entomopathogenic Fungi, Beauveria Bassiana and Metarhizium Anisopliae, as Endophyte Primed Immune Responses of Tomato Plant to Herbivory (چکیده)2 - Expression of Concern: Garlic (Allium sativum) and mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) powder: Investigation of performance, immune organs and humoural and cellular immune response in broilers (چکیده)
3 - Significant enhancement of survival, intestinal digestive enzymes, vitellogenin content, immune response, and antioxidant defense system of Artemia urmiana fed with garlic (Allium sativum) powder (چکیده)
4 - Effect of different levels of green tea (Camellia sinensis) and mulberry (Morus alba) leaves powder on performance, carcass characteristics, immune response and intestinal morphology of broiler chickens (چکیده)
5 - Supplementing a Herbal Product (NBS Superfood) in Broiler Diets Varying in Energy and Protein Levels: Effects on Growth Performance, Intestinal Morphology, Immune Response and Blood Metabolites (چکیده)
6 - Effect of Scrophularia striata Extract on Performance, Intestinal Microbial and Histo-morphometry, and Blood Parameters in Broilers under Normal or Challenged Condition with E. Coli (چکیده)
7 - Effects of Single or Combined Administration of Dietary Synbiotic and Sodium Propionate on Humoral Immunity and Oxidative Defense, Digestive Enzymes and Growth Performances of African Cichlid (Labidochromis lividus) Challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila (چکیده)
8 - Dietary supplementation with powder and gelatine micro and nanoencapsulated sodium propionate: Influence on growth performance, digestive and antioxidant enzymes and mucosal immunity of koi carp ( Cyprinus carpio koi) (چکیده)
9 - Combination of Chitosan and Myxovirus Resistance Oligonucleotide: An Efficient and Safe Natural Adjuvant against Influenza Virus (چکیده)
10 - Effect of replacement different methionine levels and sources with betaine on blood metabolites, breast muscle morphology and immune response in heat-stressed broiler chickens (چکیده)
11 - Evaluation of whey protein sources on performance, liver antioxidants and immune responses of broiler chickens challenged with ethanol (چکیده)
12 - The use and evaluation of Bacterial Ghost technique to produce vaccine against Avian Pathogenic E.coli (APEC), O2K1 serotype (چکیده)
13 - Assessment of cellular immune response of a candidate vaccine against Avian Pathogenic E.coli (APEC), O2K1 serotype produced by Bacterial Ghost technique (چکیده)
14 - Supplementation of dietary apple cider vinegar as an organic acidifier on the growth performance, digestive enzymes and mucosal immunity of green terror (Andinoacara rivulatus) (چکیده)
15 - Dietary administration of ferula (Ferula asafoetida) powder as a feed additive in diet of koi carp, Cyprinus carpio koi: effects on hemato-immunological parameters, mucosal antibacterial activity, digestive enzymes, and growth performance (چکیده)
16 - The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of angelica (Heracleum persicum) fruit on performance, immune response, small intestine histology, haematological parameters and carcass characteristic of broiler chickens (چکیده)
18 - The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of angelica (Heracleum persicum) fruit on performance, immune responses, small intestine histology, haematological parameters and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens (چکیده)
19 - Dietary administration of eryngii mushroom ( Pleurotus eryngii ) powder on haemato-immunological responses, bactericidal activity of skin mucus and growth performance of koi carp fingerlings ( Cyprinus carpio koi) (چکیده)
20 - Isolation and purification of glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs) in the schizont stage of Theileria annulata and determination of antibody response to GPI anchors in vaccinated and infected animals (چکیده)
21 - Effect of probiotic and vinegar on growth performance, meat yields, immune responses, and small intestine morphology of broiler chickens (چکیده)
22 - Impact of heat shock protein 60KD in combination with outer membrane proteins on immune response against Brucella melitensis. (چکیده)
23 - Hemato-immunological and plasma biochemical responses of silvery-black porgy (Sparidentex hasta) fed protein and essential amino acid deficient diets (چکیده)
24 - Immune defense components of Spodoptera exigua larvae against entomopathogenic nematodes and symbiotic bacteria (چکیده)
25 - Physiological defense of the white grub, Polyphylla adspersa Motschulsky (Col., Scarabaeidae) against entomopathogenic nematodes (چکیده)
26 - Combination of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides influences growth performance, gut morphology, digestive enzymes, serum biochemical indices and immune functions in broiler chickens (چکیده)
27 - Growth, immune, antioxidant, and bone responses of heat stress-exposed broilers fed diets supplemented with tomato pomace (چکیده)
28 - Effect of plant extracts derived from thyme on male broiler performance (چکیده)
29 - Effect of higher levels of dietary vitamin E on humoral immune response, water holding capacity and oxidative stability of meat in growing Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) (چکیده)
30 - Hemocytes immunity of rose sawfly, Arge ochropus (Hym.: Argidae) against entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (چکیده)
31 - Effects of in ovo injection of conjugated linoleic acid on immune status and blood biochemical factors of broiler chickens (چکیده)
32 - Effect of Inulin on Some Hematological, Immunological Parameters and Broiler Chickens Performance (چکیده)
33 - Immune responses to genestein in male broiler chicks (چکیده)
34 - Effect of garlic powder on productive performance and immune response of broiler chickens challenged with newcastle disiease virus (چکیده)
35 - Effect of three Immunostimulants on some of Indicators of Broilers' Immune Response (چکیده)
36 - Comparison of Dietary Supplementation with Cumin Essential Oil and Prebiotic Fermacto on Humoral Immune Response, Blood Metabolites and Performance of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
37 - Comparison of dietary supplementation of cumin essential oil and prebiotic on humoral immune response, blood metabolites and performance of broiler chickens (چکیده)
38 - Influence of various levels of energy and protein on performance of and humoral immune responses of broiler chickens (چکیده)
39 - Immunological Responses of Broiler Chicks Can Be Modulated by Dietary Supplementation of Zinc-methionine in Place of Inorganic Zinc Sources (چکیده)
41 - Application of Nano-Vaccines in Veterinary Medicine (چکیده)
42 - Effects of Diet Supplementation of Aspergillus Meal Prebiotic (Fermacto®) on Efficiency, Serum Lipids and Immunity Responses of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
43 - Effects of Vitamin E and C supplementation on Performance and Immune Response of Broiler Chicks (چکیده)